90-Day Risk-Free Trial
Annual steam trap testing historically has been the best practice to maintaining an efficient steam system. Today, advances in cellular network technology and wireless monitoring capabilities have greatly reduced the cost of maintaining your steam trap population.
As your partner we can offset the cost and waste from annual testing and customize a pilot program to fit your needs.
SMI will visit your facility at no charge to determine the size and scope of the demo.
You pay for the demo up front. Pilot programs typically range from $5,000 to $10,000
Dashboard review every two weeks.
You decide to expand the pilot-program, or we refund your money in full and remove the equipment.
Continuous Steam Trap Monitoring Program Benefits
Common problems with the 3rd party testing model include:
Incomplete steam audits due to access constraints, weather dependent system cycling and equipment outages
False readings due to human error occurring where conditions include condensate backpressure and equipment noise
A fixed point in time trap testing which cannot account for mechanical failures in the weeks and months after the testing is completed
Monitoring Benefits
Accurate measurements with ultrasonic testing Identify faulty steam traps immediately.
Identify faulty steam traps immediately. Eliminate human error.
LoRaWAN gateways with cloud integration.
No utility interruption required for installation.
12 to 15-year battery life.
Real-time dashboard analytics.
Quick and simple installation with long-range wireless capabilities.
$650 to $750 per data point installed.
Request a Live Demo of Our Monitoring Solution Dashboard
Take a Test Drive:
Click here to
Request A Live Demo
Additional Information:
Case Study: Steam Trap Monitoring
Blog: Advantages of Steam Trap Monitoring
Blog: Steam Trap Audits Lead to Savings and System Efficiencies